The spokesman for IU-Greens in the city of Murcia, Esther Herguedas today considered "totally untenable" that the situation of the land of Gunpowder "follow almost equal" when 12 years have passed since the adoption of the General Plan of Murcia .
Herguedas indicated in a statement that the developer Tomas Olivo was obliged to develop this area, making the assignments corresponding to the municipality and at its expense.
An obligation, says the mayor, who "IU-Greens has continued to remind the City Council and in 2003 it introduced an initiative that resulted in a unanimous motion to open this road, and in 2007, again following a request this training, was launched administrative mechanism to achieve this.
Furthermore, "in 2011 and to the maintenance of delayed again raised a motion on this issue."
"However, the malicious breach of this promoter, inserting all sorts of lawsuits has caused serious harm to the public interest, to maintain undeveloped land in the center of Murcia with the sole intention of speculating, something the City does not may consent in any way, "he qualified Herguedas.
He recalled that the rights of citizens and the public interest should be above the right to private property and, therefore, has demanded to act forcefully in this case, using all legal instruments that the City has in his hand and "without yielding to the constant pressures of Thomas Olivo and his claims of infringing the law."
"From IU-Greens believe they already have made too many concessions, including the development by city officials project to define a Unit of Action in this regard, as any other promoter as a professional responsible and pay for it" said the Councillor of IU-Greens, who added that the project "was spared the transfer of 10% to the municipality, which in the opinion should have been done."
Before the announcement that the City will run the new road between Acisclus Santiago Diaz and steps set out in the 2001 General Plan, Herguedas has demanded that the total amount of this work out to tender for 335,000 euros is charged to the owner of these areas and, as long as this amount is not paid, you are not granted any license to act on them.
He has also claimed to be required to comply with its obligation under the Heritage Act, to maintain and restore Delvia Chapel Cross, Baroque, of S XVIII, because "otherwise it would be neglecting a well cataloged with maximum protection ".
Source: IURM