Ruben Juan Serna, Murcia UPyD spokesman, said that first need to know what the situation is finally El Carmen station after the integration of the railway in the city of Murcia, in addition to "bet on the semipeatonalización of Gran Vía, with rail bike, public transportation, loading and unloading, and vehicles accessing the parking area "as a means to make it more commercially attractive
Union spokesman Progress and Democracy, Ruben Juan Serna, states that "the tramway to the neighborhood of El Carmen announced by the government team we generated more doubts and questions than answers".
The mayor said that "the first basic error is to spend money on a project and a study that costs about 100 000 euros without knowing what will happen to the station of El Carmen" and in what situation will be this season after the integration of the railway in the city of Murcia.
Furthermore, "take the tram on the Gran Via but leaving traffic circle, cars, buses or taxis believe it is a mistake."
From Murcia UPyD "bet for semipeatonalización, ie bike lanes, public transportation, loading and unloading, and vehicles accessing the parking area."
"That would be the way to decongest this main thoroughfare and make it much more commercially attractive."
To Serna, "pace the tram and add to what already exists without adding bike seems another gross error".
Source: UPyD Murcia