The Department of Equality Policy and Development Cooperation and the Organization of Business and Professional Women (OMEP) have organized a five-day course to train and encourage women to undertake, at the Center for Business Initiatives, CIM-M.
Due to high demand have had to double the workshops.
'I want to be successful entrepreneur' is celebrated during the months of October and November with the aim of bringing to women, whatever their condition, the tools you need to incorporate entrepreneurship in their occupational choices by discovering their abilities, access to basic knowledge and training to undertake necessary to be known in a world increasingly technological and specialized.
The first module was held today and is 'Discover the talent in me.'
Councilmember Equality Policy and Development Cooperation, Alicia Waterman, this morning attended the first meeting and stressed the importance of providing training and employment options for women.
On October 14, the module will be held Online, October 21 Entrepreneurs in the network, the October 28 What you should know when embarking on November 4th and Bases of leadership.
The women learn strategies for self-criticism and recognition of skills, decision making, enterprise network setting, networking, leadership skills, business plan, funding, constitution of a company, business models based on social networks, etc..
This initiative is aimed at unemployed women, immigrants, women in training, entrepreneurs, directors, entrepreneurs and anyone related to the proposed theme.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia