The commemoration of the eighth anniversary of the death of Gaya, the "Shopping-night" The Altar of the Dead or the 50th anniversary of the loss of Luis Cernuda are some of quotes provided by the Museum until December 2013
The Murcia Museum Ramon Gaya starts a new season with a comprehensive program of activities taking place throughout the year.
The new schedule, which grows in the same supply and economic resources, will host throughout the year exhibitions (temporary and permanent), current poets quotes, book presentations, tours, and incorporates new cycle Dialogues Reading Club and the cycle "Spanish Miracle".
This year we anniversary, as it marks the anniversary XXIII Museum Ramon Gaya.
The activities planned for this celebration will take place on Thursday, October 10.
At 12.30 hours the plate will be found and will take place 20 hours Cante Flamenco recital by Julian Paez, accompanied on guitar by Cayetano Moreno
In Search of Lost Time, by Marcel Proust is the work which starts at one of the news that the Museum Ramon Gaya added to its annual program.
Each month will go by analyzing the work of the hands of eminent persons of Murcia.
The maximum number of students is 30 people and must make a prior entry in the Museum.
The next October 22 will be the first session with an introduction to Marcel Proust from José Mariano González Vidal.
The November 12: Jose Luis Martinez Valero (Swan's Way).
December 10: In the shadow of young girls in flower, with Soren Penalver.
January 14: The Guermantes, with Muñoz Fuensanta Clares.
February 11: Sodom and Gomorrah, with Antonio Parra.
March 11: The prisoner, with Cati Garcia Cerdan.
April 8: The Fugitive, with Joseph Belmonte Serrano.
May 13: Time Regained, Pascual Garcia.
Also new to the Museum added to its annual program are the dialogues that keep monthly with painters and critics.
A total of eight painters (Nono García, Manolo Pardo, Emilio Pascual, Hurtado Mena, Manuel Perez, Canovas Almagro, Ruben Zambudio and Paco Bern) Gaya select boxes and make an interpretation of it so that, at the end of the month, establish a conversation between painter and critic around the works.
All works will be exhibited, once the cycle, particularly in June and will be called "Dialogues".
Temporary exhibitions
The exhibition section occupies a privileged place in the Museum Ramon Gaya of Murcia, well, this new season have scheduled a total of three exhibitions that will begin this month, with "Avellaneda: small formats".
It will be seen from October 2013 to January 2014.
In February the exhibition will "Gaya houses," a series of paintings and photographs that show the painter's studies Murcia.
This exhibition can be seen until May 2014.
Finally, in June 2014 the exhibition will "Dialogues", a group exhibition bringing together Gaya boxes and painters who, throughout the year, participate in dialogues.
It will be seen until September 2014.
Poets in the Museum
It is not surprising that the poetic voices ringing in the Museum.
If every museum must be a living space that supports all the arts, as well as that covers first, the paint, in the case of "Gaya" the poetic presence is all the more justified.
The painter Ramon Gaya was a friend of the great poets of the 27th, as Cernuda and Lorca, among others, and subsequent generations.
This course begins a new series entitled "Poets in the Museum", where you can listen to poets of our land.
All sessions will take place the first Tuesday of each month at 20 am.
The appointments are as follows: November 5: Vega Cerezo.
December 3: Hector Castilla.
January 8: Noelia Illan.
February 4: Pedro López Martínez.
March 4: Amada Garcia Bridges.
April 4: David Pujante.
May 6: Mari Cruz June Agüera.3: Pilar Díez
"By the way"
Eta new season will continue with the activity entitled "Short".
Various paintings from private and public coleccioniones the work of Ramón Gaya pass through the Museum.
The works can be seen are the following: Plaza San Juan (1975) November 7.
Tribute to Vincent (1987) on 20 December.
The Painter (1977) can be seen on February 7.
March 20 will be "Still Life with Self-Portrait 1998.
May 7: Garden of cypresses 1975.
June 20: San Sebastian 2001.
August 7: Tribute to a 1975 postcard.
Septimebre 20: The Infanta Margarita 1960.
Activities to December 2013
- On October 15, will mark the eighth anniversary of the death of Ramón Gaya.
This year we will remember with Mandolin Duo composed Casarrubios Ruben Garcia and Hector M.
- The Altar of the Dead is a key element in the overall Mexican traditions, which is to install domestic monuments in honor of the dead of the family, under the belief that the spirits of the dead return from the underworld to do enjoyed everything in life and live with their families for a day.
The Day of the Dead is a Mexican celebration that honors Hispanic origin to the dead on November 2, beginning on November 1, and coincides with the Catholic celebrations of All Souls Day and All Saints.
- Fifty years without Luis Cernuda.
On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of their loss, the Museum joins the celebration with a round table which will involve Javier Díez de Revenga, Soren Penalver and Angel Paniagua.
- Another year, will be held on "Shopping-night", and on December 13 the Museum joins the celebration.
During the night of "Shopping-night", 20 to 24 hours, who shop at participating establishments and come to the Museum will receive six copies of a mat, which reproduces a picture of Ramón Gaya, published exclusively for this celebration of the museum and the Department of Employment, Trade and Enterprise.
The Museum will remain open until 24 pm.
- Another year, Almus Quartet receive Christmas at the Museum sounding their instruments.
- The exhibition "and flamenco Gaya" is an exhibition of drawings on flamenco and theater, which may be accessed at the Teatro Circo Murcia.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia