The program on Leisure Networks, the Department of Sport, Youth and Tourism, offers new free activities for young people aged 12 to 30 years, during the months of October, November and December.
There will be workshops for eight weekends, from October 4 to December 15.
During the first half of 2013 have participated in the proposed 12,000 young Networks.
Among the activities offered are comic-manga, introduction to skateboarding, fashion and design, natural cosmetics, theater-interpretation, introduction to BMX, break dance, street dance, cooking Murcia and Christmas sweets and Spanish and electric guitar, the more 40 activities taking place each weekend.
Youth committed to training and organized activities for young people aged 25 to 30 years, to facilitate their job search.
The courses are: English conversation sessions, speaking German, public speaking, social skills and career counseling, job search techniques, design your blog, social networking, presence and success on the web and @ sesorandote.
All activities are free and only takes enroll.
With more than 30 network entities cooperate among them are youth groups, schools, AMPAS and private entities, among others.
One of the more successful activities among youth is the football championship-networks is done at night.
This edition will take place in the arena of the strut and teams can register until October 21.
Networking has a program of outdoor activities, aimed at young people aged 18 to 30, who are also free.
Programming is:
Espuña-Climbing (27 October)
-Routes walkers:
- Ricote Valley, night.
Ascension Almeces 1.123m.
(19 October)
- Almadenes Canyon (17 November)
- Ascent to Almorchon, Cieza (15 December)
-Mountain bike routes:
- Ricote Valley (10 November)
- Coto Pictures (November 24)
-Check on skates:
- Murcia night.
Technical and mechanics.
(26 October)
- Murcia.
Technical and mechanics.
(December 8)
-Sightseeing tours:-Know your city:
- Stories and legends of Murcia: A tour of the mystery.
(October 26, 22 to 24)
- Following the Arab wall (16 November from 11.30 to 13.30.)
Program activities are characterized by networks for inclusive leisure bet, inclusive and supportive, and therefore in this quarter assists in the operation and organization of two activities for charity:
- I skate Murcia beneficial Championship, to be held on October 26, at the Sports Joseph Barnes (Tracks skate).
Registration is free and participate only have to make one kilo of nonperishable food.
Participants will showcase their tricks and skills to the jury, win prizes and participate in the draw of different gifts.
The food collected will be given to an NGO that will deliver them reach the most needy.
- Volunteers at the First Regional Championship basketball and adapted tests.
The IFC Gabriel Perez Jail held on October 26 a regional championship basketball and tests adapted for people with intellectual disabilities, attended by over 200 participants.
You can help by joining volunteer redes.tiempolibre @
For more information on activities and registration see:, phone 968222701 and 968222795; emailing redes.tiempolibre @ or visit the office, located in the Plaza de Toledo, s / n, in the district of Santa Maria de Gracia, from Monday to Friday from 10 to 13:30, Monday to Thursday from 17 to 20:30.
Networking is also on Facebook.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia