Ruben Juan Serna asserts that "the ultimate goal should be to integrate the lines of districts to allow true that a neighbor of El Raal La Alberca or combine different modes of transport and come to the University of Murcia with one ticket"
Union spokesman Progress and Democracy in the city of Murcia, Ruben Juan Serna, called the new transport bonus announced by the government team "as a useful but insufficient".
"From our point of view," continued the mayor, "the focus should be now integration with trunk lines to allow true that a resident of the village of El Raal or La Alberca, for example, combine different means of transport and come to the University of Murcia with a single ticket. "
"Yes there will be in a position to say that we have achieved something to be satisfied in transport".
"Until that happens," Serna continues, "This announcement is totally inadequate, because it leaves out the inhabitants of the districts" which are 269 000 persons, 60% of the municipality.
To Serna "is essential to create a single ticket that combines bus, tram and interurban lines. Until that happens, is a breakthrough and is useful, but certainly not a complete satisfaction".
Source: UPyD Murcia