Make your life roll!
is the motto of this first meeting will allow cyclists to take the main streets of the city will be all kinds of activities you enjoy and learn from the health and environmental benefits of cycling
Everything is ready to welcome Murcia City next Sunday, September 29th, the 1st Ciclovida.
An initiative that is conducted through the Municipal Office of the Bicycle, under the Department of Environment, led Adela Martinez-Cache.
The purpose of this meeting is to promote bicycle use.
With this first meeting being held in Murcia, the Municipal Office of the City of Murcia Bike wants to invite all citizens to participate in this activity to take place on Sunday from 10-15 hours to encourage the use of bicycles in the Municipality of Murcia.
For scheduled activities will be cut to two major traffic routes of the city of Murcia: Constitution Avenue and La Gran Vía
Ciclovida encompasses many actions to promote bicycle use and preserve the care for the environment.
The theme for this 1st Ciclovida will Make your life roll!
We want to invite citizens to use "taking the main roads of the city" over the next morning.
It is a day dedicated to the public, which is invited to scroll through Murcia in a more sustainable, encouraging him to take your bike, skates or skateboard, and to walk!, Offering to go near Constitution Avenue and Gran Via, to participate in the many and varied activities planned.
Scheduled activities are:
- Games, contests environmental bikes around.
- Bicycle Exhibition, through workshops and shops.
- Demonstrations, classes and various activities for people of all ages.
- Areas with complimentary drinks hydration
- Points with Zumba, aerobics or spinning.
- Educational Puppets
- Skating Exhibition
- Area bloggers
- Fashion on wheels, Murcia Cycle Chic!
Bike shop where you can get advice on the use of our bike
Also there will be a Health Point, where health professionals advise on posture correction when playing sports, bicycling, walking, running and the many benefits of sustainable mobility and health.
This point is made possible by health ASISA and specialized medical staff of La Vega.
There will be also an integral point at which giving bikes or parts for charitable causes, There will be a controlled space where you can leave the wheels parked to enjoy each of the scheduled activities, and reserves the Murcia center those who choose to ride a bike, or walk discovering urban trails to enjoy.
All those attending the event, and to demonstrate its commitment to the environment, will be presented with a fluorescent vest practical to use walking, or cycling.
The December 15, 1974 was the first test of what we know today as "Bikeway" was the first time the Bogota citizens took to the streets to appropriate a space exclusively for motor vehicles.
The "Rally for the Cicla" newspaper titled as Time, was initiated by an independent non-profit organization called "Procicla" and the Administrative Department of Traffic and Transportation, who enabled the two main streets of the city, race 7 and race 13 between Calle 72 and the center of the city for three hours from 9: 00 am to 12:00 pm, for bicycle traffic.
The event was attended by over 5000 Bogotá citizens who came out to demonstrate against the proliferation of cars, pollution and lack of recreational offerings in the city.
For the year of 1976, the mayor of Bogotá makes the decision to allocate routes for traffic strategically placed exclusive of cyclists and pedestrians.
On 7 June the same year issued the decrees 566 and 567 where it creates "The Ciclovías".
These decrees are expected Ciclovía different types depending on their intended use.
We consider the possibility of establishing Ciclovías for the exclusive use of bicycles for a specified time (transitory) which is the case of Dominical and Festiva Ciclovía the date you choose this decree for operation and bicycle for permanent use, what we now know as bike paths.
The decree gave the Ciclovía fully operational from June 20, 1976 and established four routes to the same: the circuits Salitre-Ciudad Universitaria, Olaya - The Tunal National Park - Funicular and Northern Circuit.
The opening of the Bikeway had a massive attendance, however the experiment progressed, some argue that because of the lack of control of transit authorities, so we had to wait six years to be permanent.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia