"Ars Mechanicae.
Engineering Medieval Spain "is the exhibition with the Museum of Science and Water of Murcia started its new season.
This is a sample that shows Roman and Visigoth original parts, models of civil engineering works that marked the period, sheets, books and videos about public works, industry-related arts and the most diverse devices and machines of the medieval period.
This exhibition seeks to provide a broad view of the techniques medieval kingdoms that inhabited the Iberian Peninsula, with special attention to those applied to public works, whether roads and bridges, irrigation works and supply of building harbors and lighthouses.
It is also contemplated a variety of industry-related arts-the parchment processing, glass manufacturing, coinage ... - and more various devices and machines of the period: the mills that transformed the art of weaving cloth wool, the hydraulic jacks applied to the forging of iron, the first mills of tides and wind, the introduction of gunpowder ...
The content of the exhibition is grouped into five sections: 1.
Roman heritage and the world Visigoths.
Water: water supply to cities and irrigation.
Medieval industries.
Construction techniques.
Transportation: land and sea routes.
Over 110 original pieces, 31 models and models, films, books and audiovisuals from 36 museums and cultural institutions, national and international, this exhibition provides a broad overview of medieval engineering in the ancient kingdoms that inhabited the Iberian Peninsula, with special attention to public works (detail of roads and bridges, irrigation works and supply, construction of ports and fortresses and civil and religious buildings), a variety of industry-related arts (parchment processing, glass production, minting coin ...) and the most diverse devices and machines of the medieval period.
The mechanical arts, manuals and lucrative, met a spectacular development during the Middle Ages as a result immediate breakthrough that led between the tenth and fifteenth conquering energy sources, ie animal power, hydro and wind , which represent the most important technological revolution experienced by man before the Industrial Revolution and the emergence of the steam engine.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia