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Cinema Paradise announced for next Monday the British film "Turistas" Best Screenplay at Sitges and Mar del Plata (27/09/2013)

Paradise Cinema initiative, which involved the Cinema Hall of the University of Murcia, announces its schedule for next Monday and Tuesday, 30 September and 1 October respectively.

Monday September 30: "Tourists" by Ben Wheatley.

This is one of the most devastating British comedies of recent times, whose groundbreaking history has won the award for best screenplay at festivals such as Sitges or Mar de Plata, as well as the award for Best Screenplay at the British Independent Film Awards.

Tuesday October 1, 2013: "Colosio" by Carlos Bolado, award for best Mexican film 2012.

A thriller that delves into a real event: the assassination, mid-90s, the PRI candidate for the presidency of Mexico shortly before the election.

The films will be projected in theaters Centrofama sessions 17:30, 20 and 22:30 pm, at the price of 4 euros for the general public and 3 for college.

Source: UMU

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