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Balance 18 º Lemon Pop Festival - 2013 (14/09/2013)

A tremendous concert Enemies, returning to the "Revolt enemy", closed the 18th edition of the Lemon Pop Festival in Murcia, completely filling the auditorium Fofó Park and its environs.

It is time to take stock, and the assessment is positive.

More than 9,000 visitors over four days to enjoy more than 20 groups and dj's sessions (Man Pop, Don Gonzalo. Ordovás Jesus ....), they put rhythm into the night from the cabin.

An excellent atmosphere reigned as usual throughout the festival, which hosted a brilliant and acclaimed performance of La Bien Querida or emotional farewell Klaus and Kinski ("The Lemon started it all and the Lemon ends," said Marina in his farewell).

Undoubtedly, two of the highlights were the reunion of Chucho (despite the rainy day) Enemies that left unforgettable performances as the newest about Leon Benavente (splendid).

As for the British section, the English The Primitives ripped at Lemon Pop world tour of his "Lovely tour"-celebrating the 25th anniversary of the album that included "Crash" and other big hits-, and Scots sure Attic Lights be invited by many festivals after its amazing performance.

Local cast also highlighted lashes Student sonic Larry or the new draft Carlos Madrid with Violent Children, as well as new wave groups (The Maneuver Q, Clara Plath, The Good, The Bad and The Mena) that will have to speak in the coming months, and consolidated and Parade-forward pieces from their new album, "Love and Noise" - The Yellow Melodies-pop tirelessly Marañones or fireproof.

The Lemon Pop Festival has reached the age of majority maintain their independent identity marks, which consolidated as one of the most attractive of the panorama of summer festivals, and secure, if the permitting authority and weather permitting, the continuity of the appointment for the next year, returning to having a catalog of complementary activities (even extending it).

We want to thank the countless expressions of support and to congratulate a public that has managed to appreciate and enjoy our proposals.

We are preparing the 19th edition and seeking sponsors for a great event.

See you at the Lemon Pop 2014!

Source: Agencias

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