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The CEO of Universities and analyzed the situation team rector of the University of Murcia (10/09/2013)

The general manager of the Autonomous Universities, Luis Javier Lozano, and the government team at the University of Murcia, chaired by the rector, José Antonio Cobacho, today held a meeting in which they discussed the situation of this educational institution .

During the meeting, held at the building of convalescence, home of the Chancellor, and that has lasted for several hours, the team rector Lozano has exposed major issues related to university life and scholarship, students, teachers and administrative staff and services.

They have also had occasion to study the situation on the campus of Lorca and Cartagena School of Nursing, without forgetting the unfinished project Campus Health Sciences, financing and related university degrees and masters.

Also there has been talk of the Campus of International Excellence Mare Nostrum.

Today's meeting was the first at this level, the new CEO with representatives of the University of Murcia, although in August in Convalescence Lozano met with the rector Cobacho.

Source: Universidad de Murcia. Fotos: Luis Urbina

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