The Minister of Industry, Enterprise and Innovation, José Ballesta, along with Francisco Jodar Abellán Eusebius, and Gregory Gonzalez, today Officer Craft Fair of the Region of Murcia, which this year celebrates its 30th anniversary and will be held soon.
In this year, the meeting will have nearly a hundred exhibitors from ten regions, including Region, and different countries, regional sources said in a statement.
José Ballesta said Feramur "is one of the most traditional fairs in the region" and acknowledged the efforts of all the people to give continuity to the show.
"The craftsmanship is based on culture, tradition and history, distinguished by their imagination and creativity, is the art of hand," said the adviser, who said that the craft has become generating activities employment and entrepreneurship.
To this is added that is a sector in which modernity has been introduced and is constantly adapting to the tastes and needs of society.
"The craftsmanship of the region is experiencing an evolution to the forefront, to the most advanced in their designs and their production mechanisms," said José Ballesta.
Also, the Minister said that "for four days will be able to know the latest trends and developments in the craft sector, nationally and internationally."
In this issue are represented 36 offices, including weavers, abaniqueros, embroiderers, lace makers, glassblowers, potters, bookbinders, enamellers, toymakers, beekeepers, bakers, chacineros or perfumers, among others.
In addition to a broad representation of craft activities throughout the region, visitors can see others from the rest of Spain and Morocco, Mexico, Turkey, Senegal, Thailand, Egypt and Peru.
New this year, the Potters Guild has organized 'The Pequealfareros', some workshops for the little ones have their first contact with this craft activity.
Moreover, competition will be held the third Pottery 'Artelor 2013', with the aim of promoting and disseminating this traditional craft and reward the skills of potters.
There will also be demonstrations of carved glass, clay sculpture nativity figures, restoration and clothing in handloom rugs.
Also be drawn daily batch craft among the visitors, with pieces that donate artisans themselves.
The Minister added that this event is held to encourage and promote the craft sector in the region, enhancing the marketing of products and the development of companies and individual craftsmen.
Feramur part of the work of dissemination of this activity performed by the Department, through the Department of Consumer Affairs, Commerce and Handicrafts.