Portal de Murcia


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detail of Murcia


In Murcia 34,047 tonnes of packaging recycled in 2012 (22/07/2013)

Every citizen deposited an average of 8.9 kilos of packaging in the yellow and 9.3 kilos of paper and cardboard in the blue container

According to the latest statement (2012) of ECOEMBES, the nonprofit organization that coordinates the recovery and recycling of plastic containers, cans and cartons and cartons and paper, recycled Murcia in 2012 one total of 34,047 tonnes of packaging through the 12,379 containers that are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

These results have been possible thanks to the involvement of Murcia government and its citizens are increasingly committed to protecting the environment through recycling of waste.

During 2012, each contributed half of Murcia 8.9 kilos of packing light in the yellow and 9.3 kilos per capita of containers of paper and paperboard in the blue container.

The Murcia increasingly aware with recycling

The latest study habits and attitudes of the Spanish population regarding waste separation and collection in 2012 by ECOEMBES, indicates that 63% of Murcia said separating all or almost all their waste daily.

Also highlighted in the same that 79% consider recycling and waste separation acts very or fairly important to care for the environment.

Antonio Barron, Director of Corporate Communications and Marketing ECOEMBES, wanted to invite citizens to actively engage in this system, which contributes to the protection of our environment, noting that "with a simple gesture, the separation is avoided containers that end up in a landfill, thus reducing energy consumption and emission of greenhouse gases.

In addition, these containers provechan as raw material for new products useful to citizens. "

Nationally, in 2012, has achieved 70.3% recycling of household packaging, two points ahead of 2011, which means that 7 out of 10 containers that are put on the market are being recycled.

It should be noted that this increase recycling in Spanish society is more meritorious considering that the decrease in consumption has led to a decrease in the waste we generate.

This has not prevented citizens recycle increasing percentage of these, up to a total of 12.8 tonnes of packaging in the last 15 years, equivalent to 960 football stadiums full of household packaging, avoiding the emission to the atmosphere of 12.6 tonnes of CO2.

Source: Agencias

UNE-EN ISO 9001:2000 - ER-0131/2006 Región de Murcia
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