Portal de Murcia


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detail of Murcia


The Socialist Group in plenary prompted the replacement of lighting in more than 50 streets and roads that are dark due to copper wire theft (23/04/2013)

The socialist mayor José Zapata defend a motion in Parliament on Thursday asking the PP to replace the lighting in more than 50 streets and roads, as in the La Paloma in El Palmar or the connection between Sangonera La Verde and La Seca, which have gone dark due to theft of copper and other metallic elements that are occurring in the city of Murcia.

We have noted-Zapata account that even in the place of Christ's Redemption, in the heart of the city, took the lighting to daylight.

"The City must act quickly and proactively to this problem and restore service at all points that have been out of service, beginning with the highest priority from the point of view of road safety and".

Likewise, the PSOE councilor asked the local government to conduct a study from the technical perspective and police to discuss what is the most appropriate procedure to prevent these thefts, identify the material escapes and implement the mechanisms to prevent theft.

Elsewhere in Spain, explains Zapata being painted copper cables with a painting that only become visible to ultraviolet light or installing imaging systems to identify criminals.

Source: PSOE Murcia

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