The University of Murcia has opened today in the Library on the campus of Espinardo, the exhibition "The deputies Murcia in the Cortes of Cadiz. The region of Murcia and the Constitution of 1812. Two centuries of Freedom of Speech".
This is an exhibition organized by the Joint Commission Regional Assembly of Murcia-Real Academia Alfonso X the Wise, which now extends the Department for Coordination and Communication with the theme "Two centuries of Freedom of the Press" to mark the two hundredth anniversary of the first law regulating the same.
Those who come to this show will know the work of the first deputies Murcia in those courts that approved the first Spanish Constitution, enacted one of the first in the world, and the circumstances in which there was the decree of Freedom of Speech .
The exhibition, which was inaugurated by the Vice President María Ángeles Esteban, along with the authors of it, Pascual Vera and Ana Maria Martin, will be open to the public until May 6.
Source: Universidad de Murcia. Fotos: Luis Urbina