The Romea Theatre in the city Murcia presents one of the most enigmatic works of Shakespeare: Hamlet.
A work that is perhaps the play's most famous Western culture has come to be known as "the poetic puzzle".
Its ambiguity, ambivalence and disorientation bringing it closer to the sensitivity of our time.
With this arrangement show a prince of Denmark, dreamy, contemplative, in sorrow by the sudden death of his father.
Moved to revenge discussion in a sea of ​​doubt and irresolution.
Passion wins over reason in our protagonist causing the loss of their virtues, and thus, the end of civilized man, leaving behind a trail of death.
Not talking about Hamlet as a hero but as a human being, imperfect in its nature, the human being has always been debated and discussed between the world of ideas and passions, in search of a thin thread that keeps balance.
The work, of Lorena Riquelme Frutos, who will rise to the tables of the companies and the Machinist Calendula may be the next April 25, at 21 am.
THE SPECTRUM José María Bañón
HAMLET Ricardo Archers
KING José María Bañón
Gema Segura QUEEN
POLONIO Juan Banon
OFELIA Veronica Bermudez
LAERTES Jesus Lorenzo
HORACIO Pedro Alejandro Villalba
Veronica Bermudez GUILDESTERN
MARCELO Jesus Lorenzo
BERNARDO José María Bañón
KING ACTOR Jesus Lorenzo
QUEEN ACTOR Pedro Alejandro Villalba
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia