The IU-Green Assembly of Murcia has unanimously approved a resolution supporting the strike in public education that will take place on May 9 and has appealed to the education community to participate in the call.
The formation of the left has criticized budget cuts in the public education system, which has joined the "threat" of the Organic Law for the Improvement of Education (LOMCE), which has been defined as a standard "undemocratic in its substance and in its form of development, which poses a segregationist educational model, indoctrinating, sexist and competitive. "
In his opinion, the aim of the LOMCE is "well drive the poorest students and the education system, encourage private education and public school liquidation."
The resolution also states that IU-Greens "continue to fight for public education, the only way to guarantee the universal right to education on the basis of equality and a secular school, non-sexist, democratic, inclusive and has the support and underfunded by the government ".
Source: IURM