Councilor and spokesman of the Socialist Group, Pedro Lopez, and Rosa Mar respectively have moved to the hamlet to show their support for street vendors and require the PP to rectify and a solution to the problem in the markets
Flea market vendors have started earlier today in the morning a protest over the relocation of jobs in the market in La Alberca against the majority view of residents and traders, and the disproportionate and excessive rise of the PP fee charged by the itinerant traders will endanger the livelihood of 6,000 families in the town.
Alerted by traders, and Councilwoman spokesman, Pedro Lopez, and Rosa Mar, respectively, have moved to the pool to show support for street traders this morning, encouraged by neighbors, have rebelled cutting traffic Doctor Fleming Street (where you enter the market and the market square) for more than four hours, to what they consider an unfair decision by the council of Markets, Christopher Smith, and the village headman, Alfonso Pardo of change location without reaching a consensual agreement.
In this sense, recalls Lopez is the third time we visited the pool to support traders in this topic and even made a proposal to the council for moving Markets made the road to El Valle and maintain the unity of the market.
A proposal that the Speaker and the Socialist councilor Andrea moved Garries director of the Natural Environment CARM to ensure that placing the market there was no danger to circulate emergency vehicles, as there are alternative routes to climb Mount
Late last year, the market stalls were moved from the area of ​​the street Rambla La Paz with crossing Buenos Aires, a solution imposed by the PP has not left happy or traders, including the market square, because sales are down significantly with this change of location, or neighbors, many of them older people who now are forced to raise shopping carts by a sloping street.
In this location problem is attached, as have told Lopez, barbaric and unaffordable increases of 200% of the rate approved by the PP for street vendors in a time of grave crisis, according to the complaint socialist spokesman still chokes more the economy of small and medium enterprises. "
Source: PSOE Murcia