The Socialist councilor Mar Rosa again reiterate the occasion of International Women's Day, the commitment of the Socialist Group in Murcia with a real equality that does not allow the policies imposed by the PP undermine the rights won by women to over many years
The mayor of the Socialist Group Mar Rosa returns to reaffirm the commitment to defend socialist equality of women with capital, to benefit the future of our society, especially in a time when the cuts imposed by the PP are throwing away all rights so painstakingly acquired over the years.
"We refused to back down," maximum defends as the PSOE councilor who calls on International Women's Day to all those who still believe that this equality is now more necessary than ever, "if we want a society more just and equal, without discrimination and without gradually losing the rights they have fought and that with hard work we have gained. "
Mar Rosa regrets that since the PP took the Government of Spain, "we are witnessing one of the biggest blunders in the history of equal opportunities between men and women."
In this sense refers to an unquestionable fact, female unemployment is growing dramatically and is more than two points to the male, and this destruction of employment-complaint-is a direct result of the labor reform implemented by the PP.
"The policies of the Popular Party are attacking the rights won by women and equality leaving comatose, and this is something that we should stop indulging" ends
Source: PSOE Murcia