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A doctoral thesis at the University of Murcia develops a more precise method makes intraocular lenses (17/01/2013)

Carmen Cánovas Vidal has defended a doctoral thesis at the University of Murcia in developing and clinically validating a process optimized power calculation called intraocular lens (IOL).

The artificial lens is used in cataract surgery to replace the natural lens opacified, so restituyéndose quality image on the retina of the patient.

The power of the IOL implant surgery, in this study the object of research work is of significance, since a correct determination that avoids the need glasses for focusing distant objects (in the case of monofocal lenses) as well as a independently of them when implanted multifocal or accommodative.

At present, for calculating IOL power formulas are employed various whose accuracy depends on the characteristics of the eye to be implanted.

The accuracy is lower in the event that the patient has previously undergone surgery or refractive present a rare ocular configuration.

The explanation of this is to be found in the formulas used for computation, which are based on paraxial optics and, therefore, do not incorporate the effect of the aberrations.

By contrast, the procedure developed by Cánovas Vidal in his work is based on ray tracing exact customized eye models.

The thesis shows that this procedure can be used both in normal patients and in those who have undergone previous refractive surgery, improving in recent results of the formulas that represent the state of contemporary art.

The study was led by Professor Pablo Artal, director of the Laboratory of Optics of the University of Murcia.

Source: Universidad de Murcia

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