Socialist Party spokesman, Pedro Lopez, will defend a motion in Parliament this month demanding the PP of La Glorieta to show their opposition to the withdrawal of aid of 400 euros raised by the Government of Rajoy because "to be out will hit very despicable who are faring worse. "
Therefore require the Mayor Lopez showing his rejection Chamber in Parliament this month and defend the interests of the people that are suffering in the town and do not enter a part of the spiral of destruction that the Government of Spain is catching decretazo to blow.
"If thousands of Murcia in the whole region will benefit from this aid, withdraw cause a severe blow to those that are having a hard time," insists the Socialist spokesman.
In this sense, the Socialist spokesman recalls that policies implemented since the coming to power of the PP are causing social divisions in the country with more unemployment, less protection and fewer rights.
"Policies and destruction, not job creation, the PP wants aggravate suppressing the help of 400 euros, knowing it is the only source of livelihood for many people who have exhausted unemployment and only have that money to survive "he says.
Finally, Lopez says that we need a change of direction, and prioritize revitalization and growth policies that must precede the one that is the current goal deficit control.
Source: PSOE Murcia