The Board of Governors approved the granting of five projects submitted by NGOs in the municipality to work in less privileged countries.
Specifically, the Department of Equality Policies and Development Cooperation, headed Alicia Barquero, NGO's work with the Diocesan Caritas, for his work in Bolivia, the Institute for Community Development, for their project in Cameroon; Manos Unidas, which working in Guatemala; Blue in Action, which develops its work in Togo and CEPAIM Foundation, which works in Morocco.
These projects contribute to improving socio mainly children and adolescents with severe social problems, help the education and training of women in rural areas and work in the health field.
At the time of a grant, the City Council has taken into account the cooperation projects whose objectives contribute to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals, especially those related to the areas of health, education, human rights: social services and advocacy social, productive, and insfraestructuras environment, governance, empowerment of women and the fight against hunger.
The amount of subsidies is 18,000 euros.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia