The project, born from an agreement between the Catholic University San Antonio and the city of Torrepacheco, has been officially presented this morning at the Assembly Hall of the Municipal Library in the same town
The Hall of Torrepacheco City Library, has been the scene this morning of the presentation of the Strategic Plan and the study analysis and diagnostics Torrepacheco socioeconomic status, a new project developed by the research group Business and Marketing Organization, Catholic University of San Antonio (UCAM).
At the official presentation intervened Torrepacheco Mayor, Daniel García Madrid, President of COEC-Torrepacheco, Innocent Cánovas, General Director of Economy, Planning and technological packages of CARM, Luis Martinez de Salas and Garrigues, the council of finance Township, Maria Dolores Valcárcel, and UCAM researchers and project coordinators, Wandosell Gonzalo and Maria Concepcion Parra.
Torrepacheco Mayor expressed his satisfaction with the implementation of this initiative and expressed his gratitude to the San Antonio Catholic University of Murcia for their involvement in the same.
Meanwhile, the UCAM researcher and project director, Maria Concepcion Parra, explained during the official presentation of the project that the Strategic Development Plan Municipal Torrepacheco, includes six strategic areas focusing on Culture, Tourism and Sports, Education , Training and Employment, Infrastructure and Environment, Health and Social Services, Communication and Innovation, Governance and Citizenship, integrating a total of 18 strategic and 79 specific actions.
"We intend to value the potential of Torrepacheco, by developing cultural and tourist offer interesting and enjoyable, and make the town a center of attraction for business investment. For the project we have had a technical team of nine people , and with the cooperation of citizens, articulated through different mechanisms for participation, sectoral working groups focused on different topics, in-depth interviews with key stakeholders in the community, and semistructured interviews of anonymous citizens, and groups representing tissue sociocultural the municipality, such as housewives, businessmen, trade unions, traders, professionals and medical education, "said Parra.
Source: UCAM