Pedro Perez Abbey school, situated in the hamlet of Espinardo, received this morning the ceramic plate credited as Green School, delivered by the Environment Councillor, Adela Martinez-grip, and Education, Lola Sanchez.
The center participates in the Green Schools program since the 2009-2010 academic year and during this time the students have worked very effectively in the waste issue, so it has been determined that they are deserving of this award.
In addition, they are currently working with the noise issue teachers and students, advised by environmental educators from the Department of Environment.
Over these last two years, students and teachers have been enabled as a green space where periodically post information campaigns and environmental education activities undertaken.
Notably its program to reduce consumption of aluminum foil, which last year was a success, and the creation of 'green patrols' with what has been achieved to involve all students in cleaning up the yard after the breaks, enabling collection points around the center with different containers to collect and separate waste.
This year we have aimed lower noise levels at its center, for which they have launched an action plan with specific actions aimed at achieving environmental objectives.
Among others, it will provide a briefing on the noise and will be prepared with the help of students and teachers all the noise map center.
The degree of participation in the Green Schools program is high.
In 2012-13 this course have added five new centers that were already shooting from previous courses, totaling 23.
Since the launch of this program in the 2001-2002 academic year, 56 are the centers that participated and 20 of them have been awarded the Green Schools Award in recognition of his work.
They have managed to meet the environmental and educational goals scored.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia