Portal de Murcia


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detail of Murcia


Free activities to promote equality (20/11/2012)

The Department of Equality Policies, directed Alicia Barquero, remains committed to free activities to promote equality and provide training to women.

For 2013 there is provided a budget of 830,700 euros, up 11.62%.

A new feature will launch a new website 'Murcia in equity' to collect all municipal programs, initiatives, announcements and news related to equal opportunities.

Also during 2013, the Equality Commission created in senior centers, to raise awareness of this sector of the population of the need to fight for equal opportunities for men and women.

Next year will also begin the project 'People's History', an initiative involving Centers for Women and senior centers in order to emphasize the figure of women who have had a social and cultural importance of neighborhoods and districts in Murcia.

It also will launch the Municipal Council for Equality, which held its first session in 2013, after its establishment this year and will hold a business development program 'woman sets' for the promotion, dissemination and business motivation, facilitating and promoting self-employment among women.

Also during 2013 will continue conducting training courses and activities and collaboration with the Classroom Gourmet Market Raimundo González Veronicas, care to provide information and advice to women, that so far, 2012 has served thousand people, promoting and supporting women's associations and extending the Equal Opportunity Plan.

In 2012 has successfully launched the workshop early learning and health prevention involving more than 50 people.

In 2013 this project will be maintained.

Continue to work the Municipal Equipment Care Violence Against Women (EMAVI) Murcia City Council, which so far this year has made 1378 GBV interventions (consultations, phone calls, etc.) and has attended 303 cases .

The municipality has 76 Centers for Women, the last to join have been the Azacaya (January 2012) and James and Zaraiche (October 2012).

In the activities of the Centers for Women involved more than 12,000 women, to which must be added the 660 people that are part of women's associations.

In 2013 subsidies remain Centers for Women and women's associations, will offer more than 75 courses of 20 different themes of which will benefit about 1,200 women continue preventive physiotherapy workshops, will be promotional activities of Health, in conjunction with the Department of Social Welfare and Health, will continue with workshops preventing gender violence, and also workshops to encourage reading, involving 200 people.

Women Centers continue to conduct activities such as theater shows, the commemoration of special days such as March 8, International Women's Day, and the International Day to End Violence Against Women, November 25, and the contest Flowers and Books, who is 10 years old.

The Department is also working on the design of the Accessibility Guidelines, to municipal buildings and public spaces more accessible.

Development Cooperation

Murcia City Council remains committed to promoting the work of NGOs in the municipality.

The Development Cooperation Department has a budget of 316,880 euros, remains virtually as planned for 2012.

Cooperation proposal maintains and 'Educating developing', which was launched this year and consists of activities, lectures, competitions, documentaries and exhibitions, awareness and advocacy in schools, IES, Centers for Women, Senior Centers, etc..

Each month of the year is dedicated to a specific topic following the Millennium Development Goals.

Among other activities, is the Week of Cooperating Peace Day, Water Day, Handwashing Day, Children's Day and the Day of Human Solidarity.

The Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces has modeled this project the City of Murcia to expose and publicize.

In addition, in 2013 aid remain municipality NGOs working in the poorest countries.

For next year's planned also a provision for humanitarian disaster.

Barquero Alicia recalled that the city of Murcia is one of the Consistory in times of crisis that continues to support development cooperation, as most other governments have eliminated this service.

The Consistory will continue working on the project Municipia, a program that performs the Spanish International Cooperation Agency (AECID), the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP), the Confederation of Cooperation and Solidarity Funds (CONFOCOS) and the Ministry Public Administration (MAP), with the cooperation of the City of Murcia, a consortium to develop tourism in Ecuador.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia

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