The council led by María del Carmen Pelegrin will in 2013 with 24.4 million euro assistance service to higher benefit over 6,500 people and will cost 7.6 million euros The Department will maintain a million euros for aid social emergency to more than 6,400 people
The Department of Health and Social Welfare, who runs María del Carmen Pelegrin, will next year with a budget of 24,430,470 euros, which will have as its main priority the development of actions to help facilitate social inclusion and help people and the poorest families of the town, not to mention the specific attention to children, adolescents and adults.
So as to ensure continuity of programs promoting health and preventing those relating to Municipal Drug Plan and all health inspection scope (veterinary and public health).
From the Department will make a major effort to keep all the services offered to citizens, while maintaining personnel provide these services through contracts with companies.
Besides official staff council (274 people), we must add the 642 contracts with workers.
Murcia City Council, through the Social Welfare Service will make a special effort to continue to provide the service offered to the elderly and dependent despite the reduction of inputs and other government grants.
Thus, the social welfare budget for 2013 will increase by 5.83%, which will not terminate any user.
This service will have a post (including staff) amounting to 11,693,302 euros.
For next year, the home help service provides care for more than 1,800 users and will be more than 3,000 beneficiaries in different households, with a budget of 5.2 million euros (4% more than in 2012) .
Regarding the Telecare Service in 2013 will serve over 3,000 users, with an annual average of 10,000 interventions.
- In addition, about 6,600 will be dispensed through the service menus of meals on wheels, with more than 275 users.
- It will address about 135 service users through the Day Care Centers municipal maintained while the respite service (whose beneficiaries will be 80).
In 2013 be maintained services for people with disabilities, through the aid of Bonotaxi (in 2013 there will be support for more than 195 people), as well as cooperation agreements and grants for projects supporting the development of annual activity.
In these last two points will be awarded grants to more than 20 groups.
They also maintain care devices people experiencing social exclusion and families who have higher levels of social difficult.
In this sense, we keep training support programs, transportation vouchers and personalized professional support in their social integration itineraries, promoting training and employment skills.
In this sense, we serve over 700 people.
In the larger area in the coming year will remain all the associated activities for the 76 largest social centers (35,000 biggest beneficiaries), and the maintenance of infrastructure, construction, repairs, equipment, furniture and expenses operation of the centers.
These actions will involve a total cost of 2 million euros.
For next year, Social Services will next year with a budget that rises and rises to 8,305,040 euros, as if in the year 2007 were 17,000 cases handled by the Social Work Units, last year it came to exceed 32,000 cases, a figure similar to that address is scheduled for this year.
Support for Struggling Families will next year with a significant financial contribution to support measures aimed at families with social needs through emergency economic aid Municipal Social, targeting another part of the budget to the implementation of various programs intervention with families and conducting training workshops family.
So far this year and 1,600 were processed urgently needed financial support for families with serious financial difficulties (basic food, rent, etc..).
The amount of aid is already more than 940,000 euros, which next year will be allocated 1 million euros in emergency aid.
The average number of people per family receiving emergency assistance is four members, which will mean that some 6,400 will benefit.
Actions aimed at children account for 23.19% of the total budget of the service.
The goal for 2013 is to maintain the supply of existing socio resources as a means to allow the full development of children, while improve or intensify for improving school performance or combating absenteeism , not to mention the consolidation of projects taking place in neighborhoods with greater social deprivation (Holy Spirit, Los Rosales, etc.), or function of these projects to complement other measures to improve the conditions for reconciling work and family.
The remaining budget will be devoted to program development in Strengthening Families School, summer activities and managing all the logistical support for the development of all activities undertaken with children in the municipality.
Can not forget the actions taken around the dissemination and awareness on the rights of minors.
Projects will be consolidated Activities with Children and Adolescents (PAI), which develop in 35 neighborhoods and districts of the municipality.
3 ciberaulas be offered in the program that develops "We were after school", in a space that has computer room, library and playroom.
Also be developed again two vocational centers, to combat truancy among secondary students in Espinardo and El Palmar.
In this area, the priority is to work for the integration of children through various projects and activities of their own or in collaboration with various entities.
The second axis refers to host resources.
The shares will continue to carry out are: shelters for immigrants without family support nursing Murcia hosts, Caritas Reception Rooms, Access Project Rasinet housing, the Reception Centre CEPAIM and care services coverage of the basic needs of the Foundation Manuel
Social Exclusion.
The attention to the most disadvantaged sections of society is a key feature of action, especially those who live in a situation that could be described as "permanent crisis" and that if in normal conditions facing severe difficulties in the current environment, are aggravated their situation.
540,000 euros is the amount spent on this section.
The main objective is to prevent the incorporation of this sector of the population of people affected by the economic crisis.
Also special attention to measures aimed at ensuring the coverage of basic needs and to provide coverage for the "homeless" and transient population, primarily through contracted services with the Board of Trustees Jesus Forsaken, and collaborative arrangements with Ragpickers Emmaus and others to develop labor integration programs that develop from their centers or low-threshold center RAIS Foundation.
The objective in this area is to maintain and further advance levels Roma integration by supporting education processes and develop collaboration with FSG.
Social Volunteering.
Next year work will continue on the development of activities to help promote volunteering and training.
The health budget for 2013 will experience a decrease from the current year and will be EUR 4,331,928.
It will ensure the provision of basic services, such as construction of a total of 270 graves in the cemetery of Our Lord Jesus and the maintenance of local doctors' network.
All other health programs will remain as usual, with the same amount in the budget last year, guaranteeing health prevention, those relating to Municipal Drug Plan and all those in the field of health inspection, both concerning veterinary inspection as public health, as reflected in the activity indicators accompanying the budget.
Another aspect is the maintenance costs for the funding of vaccination to families with fewer resources and grants to various organizations that receive development of public health programs.
Projections for 2013 estimate the following:
- Municipal Laboratory: 50,000 analytical determinations network of drinking (tap water).
- Administration: 2300 openings project inspections, subject to this legislation.
2300 made in health management program settlements).
- Cemetery: 1,500 burials, exhumations and transfers.
- Veterinary: 4,200 dogs collected and / or delivered to the Municipal Center for Zoonosis Control.
1000 cats collected and / or delivered to the Municipal Zoonosis Control.
300 adoptions of dogs and cats.
- Vaccines: 300,000 vaccines administered or managed
- Promoting Health: 20,000 parents / mothers, teachers and students in programs of health promotion and drug prevention.
14 groups 4/40 (700 people).
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia