Murcia UPyD spokesman wonders what forecasts were made from the Department of Transport and Táfico for new urban bus lines because "we are talking about a possible layoff record" within weeks of its launch
Progress and Democracy Union in the city of Murcia, through his spokesman, Ruben Juan Serna, expresses "perpejlidad" at the prospect of a record of employment regulation (ERE) in the new dealership Transport Murcia city lines.
As Serna explained, "we do not understand how this is possible ERE as forecasts for new hires" made from the Department of Traffic and Transportation that directs Javier Iniesta in number of passengers and lines "guaranteed those jobs" .
In the specifications for the new urban lines that eventually was awarded to UTE Murcia Transport specified the subrogation of drivers and inspectors from Latbus.
For Ruben Juan Serna "if expectations were about at the time" is not understandable that a few weeks of the launch of the new dealership "we are talking about a possible ERE affecting these workers."
Source: UPyD Murcia