The Municipal Assembly of IU-Greens in Murcia today approved the list of delegates who will defend the amendments made by this organization in the town to the political and economic documents and Federal statutes in the next IU regional assembly to be held on 17 November.
The Assembly has been to open doors, so that both supporters and members have been able to make proposals and discuss the documents and participate in the analysis of socioeconomic and transportation in the city of Murcia, the burial of tracks train and poverty levels.
The amendments will be debated in the Regional Assembly of IU-Greens, and subsequently approved shall be discussed at the Tenth Federal Assembly, to be held in Madrid on 15,16 and 17 December, which will coordinator and the new Federal Political Council (CPF).
The document released today by IU-Greens Township Murcia to those attending the meeting is titled "React, move, fight and rebel," and details the work done by the group and municipal councils in neighborhoods and districts, and the importance of the general strike called for November 14.
In this regard, it has adopted a resolution that expresses support for IU-Greens the municipality of Murcia for a general strike.
The coordinator of IU-Greens in the Region of Murcia, José Antonio Pujante, has closed the Assembly with a speech in which he stressed the role of education to achieve a fair solution to the crisis and solidarity against the "brutal" settings PP, they do pay for the crisis to the poor.
Source: IURM