The Councillor for Equality Policies and Development Cooperation, Alicia Barquero, presided this morning's meeting of the Office of Accessibility, composed of representatives of eleven, Aspanpal, Feaps, Aspaym FAMDIF and in order to study the accessibility Guide City Council is drafting.
Boatman has submitted a proposal to the items that contain the Guide associations in order to make their views known.
This document provides guidelines to be used in buildings, public roads, etc..
to be accessible for all types of disabilities.
It is intended that all Council services are coordinated and meet guidelines on accessibility.
The main points of this document will be accessible in developed public spaces, accessibility to buildings (public buildings), accessibility of transportation (bus, tram and taxi) and accessibility to information and communication (phones, information in public places, public address system, internet, audiovisual format institutional advertising and media and communication formats accessible).
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia