José Manuel López Nicolás, Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology-A, University of Murcia, has won one of the Tesla Awards, which recognize the top three popular science articles published during 2012 in Naukas platform.
A select jury, the public and responsible (website of popular science in which more than 80 collaborating scientists and bloggers) was chosen as the second best paper Nicolás López's post "War Blood Pressure: VitaTEN against avocados ".
Similarly, Professor at the University of Murcia criticizes both the pseudoscientific marketing using various food companies to advertise health claims of products lacking scientific rigor, as different sector strategies to find a legal framework in which to invoke about publicizing certain slogans.
This teacher is the author of the blog Scientia (, which deals with different aspects of college today, large scientific struggles of history, their participation in a radio broadcast and dissemination of their research relating their scientific papers on molecular encapsulation with characters from "The Lord of the Rings".
Tesla Awards were given in the context of "Naukas Bilbao 2012", with the collaboration of the Basque Country University and is a major scientific events in the country.
Source: Universidad de Murcia