The conference Youth and social web meeting in Murcia leading experts in internet, social networking and gaming, among other topics.
This activity is organized by the Department of Sports, Youth and Tourism, headed by Miguel Cascales, aiming to foster a broad and open debate on the use of the web and social networks that young people use every day, as well as learning opportunities, social inclusion and employment offered by the Internet and its use as a means of social participation and personal development.
During the conference, to be held tomorrow and Friday Social Center University (Campus Espinardo), there will be conferences, round tables and discussions where experts will present their analysis and trends observed in the use of ICT ( Information and Communication Technologies) in the Social Web.
Among other issues, it will be on video games and learning on youth, social media and information literacy, use of networks for young people of Murcia, social networks and new models of citizenship, career counseling online and access options work, youth information and social networks, and media and the image of youth.
The conference helps the Social Center of the University of Murcia and Injuve.
Registration is free, first-served basis.
For more information: and
The conference will feature:
-Carlos Gonzalez Tardón.
Psychologist specializing in the social impact of gaming ..
Jose Antonio Gomez-Hernandez.
Professor of Library since 1988 Culture and coordinator of the University of Murcia.
Cristóbal Suárez-Guerrero.
Doctor of Education in training processes in virtual spaces for the University of Salamanca and professor at the University of Valencia, Department of Didactics and School Organization.
Advisory board member Horizon Report: Iberoamerican 2010 and 2012-2017.
Juan Jose Calderon-Amador.
Author of the blog "E-Learning, knowledge networking and collective web": /.
Member of the Research: Theory and Communication Technology at the University of Seville.
José Muñoz-Ripoll.
Deputy to the General Directorate of Youth Institute.
Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality.
-José de la Peña.
Area Director of Education and Knowledge Networking Telefónica Foundation.
-Rafael Rubio.
Doctor of Law and Professor of Constitutional Law at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, is dedicated to topics related to political participation and the impact of new technologies on democracy.
-Leila Nachawati.
BA in English and in Arabic Studies with a Master in International Cooperation.
Is Associate Professor of Communication at the University Carlos III of Madrid where he teaches Journalism and Communication and public participation in the Network and writes for various media such as Human Journalism, Global Voices Online, Global Voices Advocacy or Al-Jazeera.
-Miguel Cascales.
Councillor for Sports, Youth and Tourism of the City of Murcia.
-Alfonso Alcántara.
2.0 Specialist coaching, digital reputation, content management ('content curator') and development professionals, entrepreneurs and organizations.
It was social networking drive the Employment of the Andalusian counselor and adviser.
Author of
-Ana Maria Medina.
SIU University of Murcia.
-Leopoldo Soria.
Quart Jove (Valencia).
-Manuel Sola.
ICJ Purchena (Almería).
-Peter Martin.
Jove Barcelonés Regional Centre (Catalonia).
Gabriel Navarro.
Informajoven head of the City of Murcia.
-José Alberto Crespo.
Chief Information INJUVE.
Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality.
-Jose Manuel Noguera.
Professor of Technology in the School of Communication at the UCAM, where he heads the Department of Communication Sciences and coordinates the Online Master in Communication Management.
Crossbow Javier Pagán.
Doctor of Pedagogy.
Professor in the Department of Didactics and School of the Faculty of Education at the University of Murcia.
Ana Isabel Bernal-Trivino.
Degree and PhD in Journalism from the University of Málaga.
He has worked in Digital South, next to the team that won the Andalusia Prize for Journalism, TV Canal Málaga (Vocento) and the Festival of Malaga.
-Victor Ortiz Girona.
Chairman of the Youth Council of the Region of Murcia (CJRM).
Vice-President for HR ASDE - Explorers of Murcia and Technology at the University of Murcia.
- Miguel Angel Ruiz.
Journalist, Head of Section of Society and Culture of La Verdad de Murcia.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia