The Hall of San Antonio Catholic University (UCAM) has been the scene of massive act now host to students of Higher Vocational Institute San Antonio, which began its journey during the 2012-2013 academic year with four doubles titles: Technical Higher Childhood Education; Technician in Animation Physical Activity and Sports, Senior Technical Expert in Dietetics and development of audiovisual projects and performances.
UCAM President, José Luis Mendoza, and Secretary General of the University, and director of the Institute, José Alarcón, have welcomed the new students and announced the expansion of the educational offering VET to Higher Vocational the next academic year 2013-2014, in the area of ​​Health.
The president of the Catholic University San Antonio, Jose Luis Mendoza, expressed his satisfaction at the launch of this innovative educational project of Higher Vocational Education, based on American and French models, and explained that the students, complete their studies, not only get a double degree, comprising the official title of Higher Vocational Education of the Ministry of Education, and the University Own Title issued by the UCAM, but in case you choose to continue their education university will have access, attending training allowances corresponding to the third year of the degree equivalent to their studies.
"With the launch of these studies Higher Vocational Training, the UCAM offers training, academic and human, high-level, taught by the same faculty who teach and graduate studies at the University Grade. Students Higher Institute of FP, coexist with other students of the Catholic University, and have full access to the same facilities, university facilities, and campus facilities, "he stressed.
UCAM President, has also emphasized the university as a distinctive apostolate of the Catholic University.
"Values ​​education is crucial and paramount. Pursue forming good people who have good professional training, but above all a great ethical and moral," he explained.
Source: UCAM