On the eve of the opening ceremony of the academic year public universities in the Region of Murcia, which presupposes a holiday for the entire university community, from the Bureau of Student Council do not believe there is little reason to think that this event is unreal the situation we are living in the entire Spanish public university system and, in particular, at the University of Murcia.
Many changes, most cuts in the services available and the quality of them, which are being implemented, that is undermining the forces of many academics who believe in the University as the highest institution around which situated knowledge and free thought in all its glory.
This situation, in which all that is rising university fees are (both enrollment and access to certain courses and services), student representatives of the University of Murcia understand that the course is not starting in normal conditions and that, therefore, the image of normality in the ceremony to be held tomorrow would not be appropriate to the existing reality, in which:
Many students have had to be left out or replanteárselos by sudden rate hikes announced after the Royal Decree-Law 14/2012 and subsequent increases in the requirements for access to scholarships to Royal Decree 1000/2012.
Other many students see their teachers suffer greater teaching load, with increasingly overcrowded classes and with attention increasingly personalized in terms diametrically opposed to what they said, is intended by the European Higher Education Area.
Members of the university community, and now not only students, living longer with the stress of insecurity, either to pay for their studies or maintaining their jobs, which is transforming the enthusiasm for learning and contribute to the scientific and social in a deep malaise as part of an institution that is increasingly economically damaged, including budget cuts, and unpaid debts.
We do not believe that this is the situation we must live as part of Murcia University, we believe important, Murcia and Spanish society and, consequently, we can not apply institutional normality criteria acts like morning in which, before the presence of political representatives that are direct part in many of the ills of the University, should show a realistic and consistent with the indignation and the unrest among members of the university community.
For these reasons, from the Bureau of Student Council express our strong support, as members of the Resistance Committees in Defense of the Public University, to the actions of protest called by this morning to be developed around the Opening Ceremony of the Academic Year .
From the deepest respect for the graduation ceremony and university participants feeling in it, especially the award-winning teacher and give the lecture, however we believe it is essential to expose the new reality, which is difficult and punishes those who are part of the University in pursuit of knowledge and development, as opposed to the two represent both, which allowed them to access them and through which tomorrow will be recognized.
And that the audience can appreciate, so what we want is the University for the present and the future.
At September 20, 2012
The Officers of the Student Council of the University of Murcia
Source: Agencias