Ruben Juan Serna, assesses "positively" the round table organized by the association in Bike Murcia, where he collected various proposals and initiatives "very valid and very useful" for the future and to improve transportation
Union spokesman Progress and Democracy in the city of Murcia, Juan Serna Ruben, assesses "positively" the debate organized by the association in Murcia Bike occasion of the European Mobility Week.
To Serna, the round table "was used to make a diagnosis of the transport situation in the municipality" in Murcia is "poorly developed, with tram, bus and train" unconnected, "as they seem pregnant Autonomous Community and the City" in transport is concerned.
The mayor of the formation magenta states that the proposals made by the association Murcia cycling and from the various political groups who attended the event "are very valid and very useful" for the future and to improve the transportation system.
"Of course," continues John Reuben, "The discussion also focused on the bicycle," a means of transport, although not used regularly acknowledges, "is much more than a means to walk, something that we do not understand from the government team. "
As explained Serna, is basic to the bicycle mobility, not only to walk, but to get to work and make regular journeys daily by citizens, and recalled that UPyD Murcia picked up its claims Urban Mobility Plan all proposed Murcia cycling.
In line with the Urban Mobility Plan, the spokesman regretted that "it has been decided to put in a drawer and forget Plan" after its wording should cost nearly 400,000 euros to the Consistory.
Finally, with reference to the tram and bus, Serna insists "on the need for a single agency to manage and coordinate public" transportation throughout the municipality.
Source: UPyD Murcia