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The Association of Journalists presented in the Journal of the Feria de Murcia unpublished texts on the Plaza de Toros, in its 125th anniversary (06/09/2012)

One year, the Association of Journalists of the Murcia region takes its traditional magazine Murcia Bullfighting.

This time, to mark the 125th anniversary.

This time, the publication has expanded its size and quality of your paper, presents a series of writings focused solely on the Bullring Condomina of Murcia, among which can be highlighted the first regulation of the bullring for all events held in the opening of the same.

The work presented in the journal try construction, treating the press about how was the inauguration, the bullfighters who have gone through the arena of Condomina ...

The cover of the magazine pays tribute to Murcia sculptor, Antonio Campillo.

In addition, trophies will the Association of Journalists of the Murcia region of the bullfighters Press Run reproductions will be one of the busts of Campillo.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia

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