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El Pozo Murcia is unstoppable to win Ribera Navarra 1-6 (29/08/2012)

El Pozo Murcia FS 1-6 to win Rios Renovables Ribera Navarra with a hat trick of Miguelín, and a brace from Alex Franklin both in their third match of the mini-tour through northern Spain and fourth in the preseason.

They sat on the bench and Raul Grello technical decision by an overload in the adductor.

With seven new additions besides the coach Jose Mena Lucas 'Pato', formerly of El Pozo Murcia FS, appeared Rios Renovables Ribera Navarre Tudela Municipal Hall at El Pozo Murcia FS.

The first few minutes began with a fast pace but the ball control was of Murcia.

And the onslaught of ElPozo the goal defended by Prieto, at 3 min Miguelín put the 0-1 on the scoreboard.

The goal motivated pupils Duck seeking the equalizer but with the intervention of Fabio and Alex managed to avoid the rebound.

Both teams were placed with 5 fouls and Duda chose the flying goalkeeper with Miguelín.

Ribera Navarra became the sixth foul and Miguelín no mistake to put the 0-2 for his team.

And a few seconds to rest ElPozo became the sixth double fault and Andresito penalty put the 1-2 to reach the rest.

In the second part of the international target Rafa stood in goal.

He continued the meeting as the first part but more bronco.

Duda's pupils wanted to increase the lead, and besieged the goal defended this part by Molina.

Five sticks but no way.

As Ribera Navarre through the tie David tried but Rafa was a wall for locals.

Walked ciezano to score a good combination with Jose Ruiz and Miguelín and within seconds again beat Molina.

The night seemed Miguelín doublets but wanted more.

In the 39th minute scored his hat trick and particularly Franklin capped off the game with seconds left in the final 1-6.


El Pozo Murcia FS: Fabio, Kike, Miguelín, Bebe and Paulinho.

Also: Alex, Franklin, Bail, Jose Ruiz, Lolo, Adri and Rafa

Rios Renovables Ribera Navarra: Prieto, David, Ruby, and Charlie Andresito.

Also: Nano, Jonathan, C.Anós, Palmas, Lolo and Molina.


Miguelin Minute 3

Miguelín Minute 18 (double penalty)

Andresito 1-2 Minute 20 (double penalty)

Alex 1-3 Minute 35

Alex 1-4 after 36 minutes

Miguelín 1-5 after 39 minutes

Franklin 1-6 Minute 40

Umpires: Angel and David Urdamoz Sanzol.

Incidents: Friendly preseason 2012.

Presentation Navarro Rios Renovables team before their fans.

Casualties: Luisma by local and Raul and Grello by El Pozo Murcia FS.

Yellow cards: Kike and Álex de El Pozo Murcia FS.

Pavilion: Municipal Tudela.

Some 1,200 people.

Source: ElPozo Murcia

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