Five members of the Cycling Association today Bicisolidaria start a bike tour from Madrid to Murcia in order to inform, sensitize and educate the society and help the group of people with Parkinson's disease.
It is the seventh edition of this solidarity tour that aims to bring to Parkinson's patients and be heard, to present their problems daily, raise public awareness of the problems of this disease and provide information to patients and families.
Bicisolidaria members have the cooperation of the On Off Parkinson Association, Murcia.
Will travel 500 kilometers in six days on back roads for safety.
In addition, interview and stop in those towns where there are associations of Parkinson.
The route that is:
Sunday, July 8, Madrid-Ocaña
Monday, July 9, Ocaña-La Roda
Tuesday, July 10, La Roda-Albacete
Wednesday, July 11, Albacete, Jumilla
Thursday, July 12, Jumilla-Novelda
Friday, July 13, Novelda-Murcia.
It is scheduled to arrive in Murcia at 20 hours.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia