IU-Murcia Greens today criticized "the folly and lack of rigor" of the Councillor for Sports, Miguel Cascales, in response to a question submitted by the municipal group on conditions of use of sports halls by the former player of the Well Paulo Roberto Marques to hold a campus football.
The question asked for a copy of the contract and the specifications that should regulate the granting of such activity and the amount of public cost for facilities used by that particular city since 2005, and asked for explanations on the removal of supply school recreational sports city, parallel to the supply of Paolo Roberto.
According to the IU-Green councilor in the city of Murcia, Jose Ignacio Tornel Cascales response "merely states sporting titles Paolo Roberto, and ensure support for their initiatives in the near future"
To Tornel, the attitude of the mayor of Sports "only fuels the suspicion of irregular treatment to this former player can be produced in addition to other disparaging the role of local opposition."
"If it is so important for sports figure based Murcia futsal as Paolo Roberto is understood even less-transparent management of its contractual commitments with the session," she added.
Also pointed out that the Department of Sports has staff "sufficient and appropriately qualified to perform this range of sports."
Source: IURM