The Hall of San Antonio Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM) has been the scene this afternoon of the emotional ceremony Scholarships and diplomas to students of the Fourth Development Master's Degree in Protocol and Image Consulting UCAM .
Note that the Chief of Protocol, Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, Martin Reyes has served as godmother exception of the new Master Protocol.
The rector of International Relations and Communication and Dean of the Faculty of Communication at the Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia, Paul Blesa, presided over the ceremony, accompanied by the Chief of Protocol, Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, Martin Celaya Reyes , and the director of the School of Protocol and Institutional Relations, and the Master in Image Consultancy Protocol and the UCAM, Salvador Hernandez.
The teacher acted as Alejo Arnaiz Honorary Professor, whereas Grandío Professor Maria del Mar, has been responsible for the reading of names of students.
Tas the imposition of Scholarships and diplomas, there has been reading the speech to members of the class, in charge of student Maria Antonia Guzman.
Then, the Matron of the promotion, Martin Reyes, said a few touching words to the audience.
Source: UCAM