The IU-Green spokesman in the city of Murcia, Esther Herguedas, has filed a motion in Parliament next Thursday, June 28, which requested the operation "effective" Municipal School Board.
Herguedas has indicated that local groups do not receive information on the performance of the functions of that Council, although among them is the distribution and management of municipal resources in education.
In this regard, he asked if this body is addressing the problems facing education in the municipality, as the cuts in grants for books and living room, the removal of school bus lines and the need for new centers.
"Problems in his opinion, which is often discussed in the very heart of the City of Murcia with unanimous agreement that the Council should move."
He assured that "the activity of the body or the House knows nothing, or political groups or anyone from the municipality of Murcia is not a member of the Board and attend its deliberations," for what he has claimed in his motion that the House to submit each year to debate the memory that makes this body necessarily.
Also, the mayor emphasized the "unsuitability" of the Council regulation on the characteristics of the municipal structure, organized municipal boards to appoint their representatives on school councils and schools "upon which establishes control then not one, being customary for many municipal representatives attend these meetings. "
Therefore, the proposal has requested that the designation of such representatives to respect the political plurality of the municipal representation and obligations established by regulation and the type of relationship to be with the City Council.
Source: IURM