The UCAM today received official notification from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, in certifying the positive verification of Grade Medical Officer, by the Credentials Committee of the Curriculum Council of Universities.
Note that this verification was effective in meeting held on June 1, 2012.
At this time, the Catholic University is awaiting final approval by the CARM to implement the medical studies.
Therefore, the conclusion of this last step, the UCAM will be ready to start classes Degree in Medicine from the next academic year 2012-2013.
The university community has shown UCAM welcomed this new step towards the implementation of the Degree in Medicine, and hopes to celebrate the month of July, with the conclusion of the Inter-University Council, the final approval to teach this course.
A steady path
In September 2011 the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA) favorably evaluated the curriculum presented by the UCAM to deliver the Bachelor of Medicine Campus Jeronimos (Guadalupe, Murcia).
With this recognition, the Catholic University managed to prove the quality and excellence of their studies.
After a long and demanding evaluation process that began in 2007, recognized the UCAM saw the fruits of the effort and perseverance of its President of his government team and all staff, which never waned in the effort to get this title logo on the university system.
The ANECA gives the final yes to the UCAM
Remember that the University Coordination Council in early 2012 asked the ANECA, to conduct appropriate checks designed to rule, if the dissection room of the University was fully operational.
To this end, the Agency requested the additional information to UCAM already available, so the Catholic University of Murcia sent them documentation, which showed in detail the facilities and resources of that hall.
After analysis by experts of the information provided by the educational institution in the Degree Evaluation Committee of the Branch Knowledge of Health Sciences, concluded with a positive and successful human resources and materials UCAM respect to the dissection room.
Source: UCAM