Faced with such turbulent times as we live, the poet must, more than ever, speak and sing the sorrow of man.
That is the intention of the concert organized by the Poetry Classroom, entitled "The poet hurts the man" will be held tomorrow, Tuesday, May 29 at 21:30 pm in the cafeteria Zalacaín.
Poets participating in the recital of Murcia and students of creative writing workshops, with poetry readings by Gabriel Celaya, Blas de Otero, Miguel Hernandez, Ruben Dario, Pablo Neruda, José Agustín Goytisolo, Gonzalez, Gloria Fuertes, Garcia Lorca, Quevedo, Cesar Vallejo, Mario Benedetti, Leon Felipe, as well as WH Auden, Thomas Tranströmer (last Nobel Prize for Literature), Berthold Brecht, Charles Bukowski, Oscar Wilde and Baudelaire.
In addition, several participants have composed a poem of five lines, beginning with the phrase that names the recital, and that will be read as the end of the recital.
Finally, the poem of Miguel Hernandez, "Lullabies of the onion" will be sung by Ana Belén García Fernández, accompanied on guitar by Fernando H.
Source: UMU