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Castro, "Councillor for Finance swallowed a speck more interest, being variable, we left to the premium" (23/05/2012)

The socialist mayor said that the City will pay 2.4 million euros to increase by almost one percentage point interest rate loan for the payment to suppliers, from 5 to 5.939 percent, which also will be reviewed every three months , leaving us at the expense of markets

The socialist mayor Juan Patricio Castro states that are already cleared the doubts about the interest rate on the loan payment providers finally fixed by the Ministry of Finance.

5 percent promised in Parliament, the PP government has risen to 5.939%, almost a point.

Similarly, the interest rate will be reviewed every three months, which means, according to Castro, that the City, in addition to paying 2.4 million euros, will be at the expense of the markets and the risk premium.

Each quarter point more than 600,000 euros

For the Socialist councilor, what would have been reasonable to have set a fixed rate because being variable, each quarter point rise more than it cost us all a whopping Murcia € 600,000 more in interest.

The mayor of the Treasury, said Castro has had to swallow a point of interest, being variable, let us further in the hands of the premium, which translates into "more promises on deaf ears and subservience to markets. "

Support providers

Finally, the PSOE mayor back to reiterate that it is essential to the payment to suppliers, but remember the PP of La Glorieta they should have paid at the time, on time and fit.

"Had it done so now we would have to face such high debt repayments and live with the rope around his neck due to market uncertainty."

Source: PSOE Murcia

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