IU-Green has filed a motion in Parliament tomorrow for the council resolved "in a timely manner" that administrative procedures are in compliance with the law on the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and Common Administrative Procedure
The IU-Green spokesman in the town, Esther Herguedas, has indicated that the municipality "has been used to or do not answer out of time" which is "particularly serious" allegations to issues like urban planning processes and also has "significant effects" for the proper functioning of the administration.
In his view, the failure of such communication "becomes ineffective any claim against the City because this does not answer in time, form and saturated the courts of administrative litigation, as this is the only resort left to the citizen to the lack of response "
In this regard, he recalled that the City of Murcia has been condemned for not meeting the Aarhus Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-Making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters, the lack of response to citizens in urban processes, among other reasons.
He assured that this situation has been aggravated by the law of Streamlining Measures Procedure, set out as a general allocation of costs the criterion of maturity, which means that the citizens of Murcia "risk being condemned to pay the costs for defend their rights because of the bad functioning of the administration. "
It has asked the City of Murcia to respond pursuant to the allegations to PM-MC02 urban plans Juan Carlos I, ZB-2-Az1 Partial Plan Fuensanta and ZM-Ac1 of Aljucer, on which have been made allegations and make a report on the response time to claims by the Department of Planning and Housing.
Source: IURM