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The Third Conference on consumption morning address health benefits through food (24/04/2012)

Sessions begin at 10.30 in the annexe

The City of Murcia morning host the Third Conference of Consumer Affairs, which this year focuses on the benefits that health is of adequate nutrition.

At 10.30, in the annex, are beginning the sessions, which will be inaugurated by the Councillor for Social Welfare and Health, María del Carmen Pelegrin and the Minister of Universities and Research Company, Jose Ballesta.

At 11.15 a panel discussion moderated by the Director of Commerce, Consumer Affairs and Handicrafts, M ª Dolores Alarcon, will discuss "For safe food, healthy and quality."

Speakers will Zaragoza Pilar Fernandez, Pharmaceutical, Member of the College of Pharmacists of Murcia in the Food section on "Intolerance and food allergies" and Alonso Blas Marsilla Pascual, Chief, Food Safety and Zoonoses Department of Public Health, " Materials in contact with food "and Belén López Morales, titled Professor of Food Technology, University of Murcia," Irradiated foods, methods of conservation. "

Juana Perez Martínez, la presidenta de la Federación ThaderConsumo expondrá en una ponencia a las 12.45 las “Pautas en la alimentación: construyendo día a día nuestra saludâ€, junto con Eduardo Gonzalez Martínez La Cuesta, Jefe del Servicio de Sanidad del Ayuntamiento de Murcia y Rosa María Ortega Anta, Doctora en Farmacia y Catedrática del Departamento de Nutrición, Facultad de Farmacia de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Murcia

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