The nature park and Terra Natura Murcia animals harboring just the birth of a baby ring-tailed lemur (Lemur catta) at their facilities.
This is the first birth of this species occurs within the complex Murcia.
The little baby, who weighed just 150 grams at birth, does not separate a single moment of her mother who was baptized by caregivers with the name of Masoala.
Until you spend a few weeks you can not identify the sex of the new issue.
That's when caregivers decide what to name this young primate.
At present, share the room with the other members of their species.
The group of this species consists of a total of three males and one female ring-tailed, and four female black lemur.
Since its arrival has been perfectly integrated into the group and three males collaborate in the task of grooming the calf, licking and repeatedly cleaning the body of small specimen.
Masoala, which arrived at the park last year, has had to complete a gestation of about four and a half months to finally have her baby.
In every birth, females of this species usually have one to three offspring, although this time only one was born.
The ring-tailed lemurs are from Madagascar and are endemic species are in grave danger of extinction.
Hence, captive breeding of this species assume an important step in conservation.
Currently, there are over 100 different species of lemurs that are located in different areas of this African island.
One of its main features is the sitting position that its members adopt open facing the sun to warm up in the morning.
Source: Agencias