The Hall of Humanities has organized a series dedicated to the Chilean poet Nicanor Parra, considered the creator of antipoetry and one of the best lyrical voices of the twentieth century.
It was awarded the Cervantes Prize for his body of work.
The activities will start on Monday 12 March at 20.30 hours in the Campus Theatre de la Merced.
The concert, entitled "Leaves of Parra" Alba participate Saura, Alvaro Abad, Amélie Bernal, Ana Jose Torres, Victor Valero, Maria Dolores Adsuar and director of the Hall of Humanities, Vicente Cervera.
On Tuesday 13 March, under the general title "From antipoetry Nicanor Parra", will offer several lectures Arnaiz Mercedes Serna (University of Barcelona), Niall Binns (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid), Maria de los Angeles Perez Lopez (University of Salamanca ) and Vicente Cervera, University of Murcia.
It will be in the Council Chamber of the CM Azarbe Rabal.
Source: UMU