The PSOE mayor Susana Hernandez propose in Parliament on Thursday the PP to bet on the adoption of measures aimed at the professional and social integration of people with intellectual disabilities.
These include the requirement that the City Council set aside a percentage of the amount of public procurement to social institutions, specifically special employment centers, where 70% of workers are disabled.
In the case of adoption of this measure-Hernandez explains, would be the first consistory of Spain that it would as a rule, only the community of Navarre as included in Article 9 of Regional Law of contracts.
It continues the PSOE councilor within the specifications of the services offered by the City Council to tender should include social clauses so that, on equal terms between two companies who attend the contest will be awarded to one that has proven good social responsibility practices in relation to disability.
Similarly, the socialists bet because the public job the City applies regional decree of 2011 which states that 2% of the square called the intellectually disabled must be reserved for those positions that they can play, percentage to be added to 5 % already is reserved for people with more than 33% disability.
To define what jobs can develop these people with intellectual disabilities, Hernandez proposes the creation of a commission to be present all political groups and nonprofit organizations working in the employment of people with intellectual disabilities.
"We hope the mayor House share with us these proposals in support of people with this type of disparity and adopt these measures, because this group is having too badly with an unemployment rate of around 60 percent," he concludes.
Source: PSOE Murcia