The University of Murcia has prepared for tomorrow, February 2, a talk show in which its researchers how to develop a curriculum vitae (CVN) and the usefulness of the calls of the National R + D + I.
The CVN is a standard curriculum in calls allowed in the processes mentioned and for the accreditation of the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA).
The conference will be given by the director of the Department of Scientific Information Management of the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT), Cristina Gonzalez Copeiro del Villar, at 12:00 pm in room at the Faculty degrees of Veterinary Espinardo campus.
In addition, University staff will explain how to import and export a tool CVN from page to page V2 enabled CVN FECYT and applications that can have this service within the University.
The activity is organized by the Research Excellence and Campus.
Source: Universidad de Murcia