The Municipal Progress and Democracy Union of the City of Murcia has re-emphasized the idea that the Old Jail, now in disuse, operational as soon as possible, and therefore calls on the government team to rule out future competition ideas, thus shortening the time to put into operation soon.
UPyD believes that a combination of traditional market supplies and visited monument be reactivated the business and tourism, while preserving the artistic and historic character of the building.
The idea of ​​the Municipal Group is structured into four UPyD fundamentals, explained his spokesman, Ruben Juan Serna: economic stimulus and job creation, tourist attraction, the gateway to the Huerta de Murcia gastronomy and cultural value and education.
Thus, Serna said, "the stimulation of economic activity should be a priority. It would mean the maintenance and creation of new jobs, a traditional small business support and also a revitalization of downtown Murcia, fostering relationships between its citizens in a manner different from that produced in large malls. "
Another aim is to give the Old Jail a cultural aspect such as school visits and public.
"I do not believe," Serna continued, "to give a purely cultural or merely economic is the ultimate goal must be Old Jail. Both must go hand in hand to combine and to offer a true backbone of the center.
"We believe that the creation and promotion of employment and support small businesses, with the installation of a market and food market, together with various catering establishments and major cultural attractions are a priority," added Serna.
Thus, adding the bonus of the rehabilitation and preservation of its architectural setting, the converted "into a tourist magnet for the city of the first order. So take advantage of a real and effective our potential, make the most, giving the city of a new element different historical, artistic or religious group ".
Councilman view UPyD not only revitalize downtown Murcia with the launch of the market, but adds the possibility of a cultural center visited, would give an important added value: "We want students of all ages to access this part of our history through guided tours, "thus fulfilling a dual cultural and economic role.
"We want to touch and smell the fresh produce, to explain that fruits and vegetables do not come from a truck, but all the existing process until they reach your table."
Furthermore, "enabling a portion of the jail as a cultural center, they could explain this part of our history," the spokesman added magenta training.
Thus, regardless of the implementation of a program of school visits where they explain the history, architecture, cuisine, also seeks the preservation of the building and its most characteristic elements, enabling multi-purpose rooms for meetings of associations, conferences or exhibitions.
As some examples of exposure, Juan Ruben Serna said the permanent exhibition of coats of arms and shields restored, now stored in museums without the possibility of being seen or combination of elements present to past: old photographs of the city, old labels , signs, etc..
Another important point would be the marketing of the Huerta de Murcia, promoting the creation of the brand "De la Huerta Murcia" and promoting among schoolchildren and tourists our products and the importance of Huerta in our history and our culture.
"Taking advantage of the power and quality of the products of the Huerta de Murcia, prestige, and Mediterranean cuisine and diet."
If all this goes hand in hand with making the most of existing communication tools, such as a web page with video services, audio, blog or photo, "we believe the results provide the city of Murcia, a set economic and tourist-class. "
In short, Old Jail turning into an icon of the city to generate employment and wealth, attract local tourism, national and international contribution to the city an innovative, demonstrating the value our heritage and our history, and educate young people.
For these reasons, the Panel asks UPyD Municipal dismiss the contest of ideas proposed by the City and to shorten the deadlines and implementation of this cultural Abastos Square.
For the Municipal spokesperson, there are numerous examples from both inside and outside Spain, which demonstrate the feasibility and appropriateness of the project, as the market of Santiago de Compostela and the famous Market S.
Miguel in Madrid.
Source: UPyD Murcia